Las Vegas Casinos Lift Indoor Mask Mandate

Masks are no longer required on Las Vegas casinos.

If you're not heading to the Super Bowl in Los Angeles this weekend, Las Vegas might be the next best place to watch the game.

Nevada's indoor mask rule was withdrawn on Thursday by Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak, noting "a quick fall in case numbers, coupled with declining hospitalizations, a drop in #COVID19 discovered in wastewater, greater testing availability, and an increase in available therapies."

“I’m hopeful and confident,” he continued, “based on the data we have, we are in a good positions to drop this and to give people back some freedom. Everyone wants to get back to their normal life … I mean, its been two years. I think the time has come.”

One hour later, the Nevada Gaming Control Board followed suit, allowing all casinos and most other businesses in the state to remove such requirements.

The moves come just 72 hours before Sunday’s Super Bowl, with total legal betting dollars already pegged to be 78% vs. last year to $7.6 billion. And that was before the Governor’s announcement.

A cursory survey of the web sites and social media accounts of some of the bigger casinos in Vegas did not turn up any demasking announcements — not yet anyway.

Chen Rivor

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