Warner Bros. CEO Says The Company Has No Concrete Plans Yet To Return To Theatrical Release in 2022

Ann Sarnoff, the CEO of Warner Bros., has stated that Warner has no plans yet on shifting to 2022 theatrical releases

The CEO of Warner Bros., Ann Sarnoff, recently stated that the company has no plans as of the moment to shift its 2022 theatrical release strategy even though the COVID-19 variants Delta and Omicron are continuing to impact not only the movie industry and business but also the world.

At a conference hosted by Bloomberg on December 15, Wednesday, Sarnoff acknowledged that the theatrical business remains a "work in progress". However, the strategy they used this year for releasing movies in cinemas and on HBO Max the same day is unlikely to be done again next year whatever happens with the COVID-19 situation.

Sarnoff shared, “Have we thought about going back to day and date? Sure, we thought about it, but we have made our commitments to the theaters to the agents to the talent. Everyone was hoping we would be on the other side of the pandemic by now.”

She also claimed that the moviegoers who are in the older bracket in age, those over 35 years old, are still the most hesitant about returning to the cinema while the younger consumers are steadily returning back to their normal habits which includes going to the movies. Sarnodff added that, "For us to really get back in full swing we need the broader spectrum of demographics and tastes." It can also be noted that "big action-adventure movies" superhero movies and horror films are the movies that attracts the most number of people to the cinemas for now. Warner Bros. is also set to release The Batman by spring next year which she expects to be attended by a great number of people.

Sarniff also discussed the ever-growing streaming landscape which is being spearheaded by two giants Netflix and Disney. As for WarnerMedia's offering, HBO Max, Sarnoff has stated that they will be able to compete with other market leaders by offering a more complete selection to the audience.

“I think that if you look at Netflix you see a very big four quadrant first mover advantage. However, Netflix does not have major franchises. They’re trying to acquire franchises. If you look at Disney+ you see a lot of franchises, but not a four quadrant approach.,” Sarnoff said. "However, we have both.," which can be noted by the DC Comics and HBO franchises as well as kids programming and other major movie programming for men and women.

As for WarnerMedia's most important and arguably biggest franchise, Harry Potter, Sarnoff shared, "We would love to develop more original Harry Potter series, and we regularly talk to JK Rowling and her team. It’s got to be right though. Whatever we do has to be true to the canon, and true to the ethos of the Wizarding World, and who Harry is.”


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