Scotland’s 'Sands: International Film Festival' Reveals Inaugural Line-Up

The line-up consists of both fiction and non-fiction features.

The line-up for the inaugural Sands: International Film Festival, which will take place in Scotland's St Andrews, has been released.

The festival will feature nine fiction and non-fiction films, as well as an untitled mystery film, from March 25 to 27.

Long Live My Happy Head, a love movie about comic books and caner that follows a long-distance relationship as they navigate a Covid shutdown, is on the list, created by Leith-based filmmaking duo Will Hewitt and Austen McCowan. The film will have its world premiere at the BFI Flare festival next month.

Jono McLeod's My Old School, a documentary-animation hybrid that unravels a Scottish scandal, is screening in St Andrews after a recent Sundance premiere.

Blerta Basholli's feature debut Hive, Amalia Ulman's El Planeta, and Christopher Makoto Yogi's I Was a Simple Man will all be screening at Sundance 2021.

Jessica Kingdon's Oscar-nominated Ascension and Nana Mensah's Queen of Glory, both of which premiered at Tribeca last year, will be seen. Down With The King, directed by Diego Ongaro, opened in Cannes' ACID section last year and went on to win multiple accolades at the Deauville Film Festival in France.

Each screening will begin with an introduction, followed by a post-film QA with the filmmakers. A number of associated activities and industry events are also planned for the event.

One confirmed event is an in-depth interview with Joe Russo, the director of Avengers: Endgame, who will speak with Deadline's Co-Editor-in-Chief Mike Fleming about his love of movies and St Andrews.

Sands has a number of backers, including Russo's AGBO, as well as Screen Scotland and other benefactors.

Ania Trzebiatowska, Festival Director said: “I am absolutely delighted to finally reveal the programme for the first ever Sands: International Film Festival of St Andrews. Over the past two years, we’ve been reminded of what a privilege the collective cinema experience is, and that it can too often be taken for granted, so I am hugely excited that we will be able to share these nine fantastic films with audiences. The process wasn’t without its challenges, but we are proud to have a programme that doesn’t just reflect the diversity of films out there, but showcases the quality of work that spawns from the inclusion of new voices. If audiences have half as much fun watching the programme as we had making it, then I’m sure we will be in for a fantastic festival.”


Chen Rivor

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