Travis Scott Returns to Instagram for the First Time After Astrowold Tragedy

The couple has returned to social media on new year.

Since the catastrophe at Astroworld, which led in ten deaths and hundreds of injuries, Travis Scott has been completely silent on social media.

Couples who reconnect on Instagram are more likely to stay together. Travis Scott, 30, and his pregnant girlfriend, Kylie Jenner, 24, both returned to social media right before the New Year. Travis posted a black and white snapshot to his Instagram feed on December 31, 2021, displaying only his profile and staring down towards the earth. "Always 3," he said in the description. Kylie, the mother of his 3-year-old daughter Stormi and the couple's second child, responded on his picture with two hearts.

Kylie also returned to social media before the New Year's Eve celebrations. The beauty entrepreneur was leaned to the side, holding her huge baby bump in a black and white photo. Fans should be aware that Kylie is due to give birth to their second kid, the gender of which has yet to be revealed, at any time. She stated in the caption of her photo, “As 2022 is approaching I’ve been reflecting on this last year and the blessings that it brought but also the many heartaches it held. I will never forget this year and all the significant changes it made to my life. I pray this new year is filled with a lot of love for all of you and I hope everyone stays safe and healthy during this time.”

Kylie's renowned family, including her mother Kris Jenner, 66, expressed their support for her daughter's post, writing in the comment, “I love you my precious girl you are an angel.” Kendall Jenner, Kylie's 26-year-old sister, who was with Kylie at Astrowrld the night of the tragedy, responded on Kylie's post with three burning love emojis. “I’m truly broken for the families that have lost loved ones and my prayers go out to everyone involved," Kendall said after the incident on November 8. "Sending everyone who has been affected all of my love and wishing them strength during this incredibly devastating and sensitive time.”


Chen Rivor

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